Vintage Smell
Vintage Smell, what is it?
Anyone familiar with antique shops, vintage and thrift stores has experienced this aroma that permeates the pre-owned clothing and part of the pre-owned market shopping experience, however those un-familiar with second-hand shopping will notice an peculiar odor that is not found in new clothing stores.
Vintage Smell is an odor that develops on leather goods, textiles, synthetics, porous and non-porous materials and is attributed to long-term home storage, it takes many years for the Vintage Smell to develop.
When blankets or seasonal clothing are stored and not used or worn for several months there is a stored-scent to these items and must be washed or cleaned before wearing the clothes or using the blankets, however if these items are stored for many years the odor will be stronger and it may take longer to remove the Vintage Smell.
If clothes were stored clean the vintage scent will be easier to remove, however if in addition to long term storage there is smoke or perfume odors, then it will take more effort to remove odor, thankfully not many pieces with smoke and perfume odor make it to market, and it is not a problem with most vintage pieces.
How to remove Vintage Scent?
There are many ways to remove Vintage Smell a quick search on the web yields many helpful tips and tricks to get your vintage clothing smelling fresh, removing odors from clothing is not complex sometimes all is needed is airing out by placing clothes outdoors for a couple of days, washing or dry cleaning.
New-comers to vintage fashion and home decor should consider that a Vintage Smell is to be expected as this odor is an inherent condition of vintage items.